Spring 2020 One Room Challenge – Week Six

Published by Basalat on

Bedroom Design Board

Guysssss it’s week 6 already!! It’s been quite a reflective couple of weeks in more ways then one. As for the room, it’s finally coming along nicely and today I’ll be talking about the accent wall we finished last week.

I spent a considerable amount of time deciding on what I wanted to do. If you remember this is what the wall looked like before.

I originally wanted to do a shiplap wall, buttttttttt the work that was required, well, we weren’t feeling it. Instead we decided on buying some affordable panel strips, I mean we literally stood in Home Depot, with our masks on and figured out what to do, without a plan!! I can’t function well without a plan. What could possibly go wrong, right????

What we first came up with were stripes running close together, and they seemed a little bit random. To be quite honest, it was turning into too much of a good “stripy” thing.

I ended up asking my husband to redo some of it (yes I know he’s a super patient when he knows my brain couldn’t help itself). But hey like I said I can’t function without a plan. We took one of the smaller pieces and evenly spaced them out, giving it a faux shiplap look. I gotta say now I’m loving it, and the scale of the stripes against the headboard looks much better!

Next COLOR!! Wow so as per my usual personality, I obsessed, spent lots of money on testers, and then ended up with a color that I hadn’t even tested, go figure! However, thank god I love it and so does Zayna. Perfect shade of a blush pink, or as some are calling it, millenialam pink! It’s Benjamin Moore’s Victoriana 1263.

Next week we should be wrapping up a few more things before the big reveal! Excited to share the final details soon!


Saima Akhtar · June 11, 2020 at 12:18 am

Loving the colour palette. Can’t wait for the reveal!

    Basalat · June 11, 2020 at 1:25 pm

    Thanks so much! Looking forward to sharing the completed room soon!

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